v. 1.31.1


To run the Drupal content management system using Unit:

  1. Install Unit with a PHP language module.

  2. Install and configure Drupal’s prerequisites.

  3. Install Drupal’s core files. Here, we install it at /path/to/app/; use a real path in your configuration.

  4. Run the following command so Unit can access the application directory:

    # chown -R unit:unit /path/to/app/


    The unit:unit user-group pair is available only with official packages, Docker images, and some third-party repos. Otherwise, account names may differ; run the ps aux | grep unitd command to be sure.

    For further details, including permissions, see the security checklist.

  5. Next, prepare the Drupal configuration for Unit. The default .htaccess scheme in a Drupal installation roughly translates into the following (use real values for share and root):

        "listeners": {
            "*:80": {
                "pass": "routes"
        "routes": [
                "match": {
                    "uri": [
                "action": {
                    "return": 404
                "match": {
                    "uri": [
                "action": {
                    "pass": "applications/drupal/direct"
                "match": {
                    "uri": [
                "action": {
                    "return": 404
                "action": {
                    "share": "/path/to/app/web$uri",
                    "fallback": {
                        "pass": "applications/drupal/index"
        "applications": {
            "drupal": {
                "type": "php",
                "targets": {
                    "direct": {
                        "root": "/path/to/app/web/"
                    "index": {
                        "root": "/path/to/app/web/",
                        "script": "index.php"


    The difference between the pass targets is their usage of the script setting:

    • The direct target runs the .php script from the URI or index.php if the URI omits it.
    • The index target specifies the script that Unit runs for any URIs the target receives.
  6. Upload the updated configuration. Assuming the JSON above was added to config.json:

    # curl -X PUT --data-binary @config.json --unix-socket \
           /path/to/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/


    The control socket path may vary; run unitd -h or see Startup and Shutdown for details.

    After a successful update, browse to http://localhost and set up your Drupal installation:

Drupal on Unit - Setup Screen